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About the book

Make Canada Home: ​​The HAPPY Method—5 Step Guide to Success for Immigrants in Canada

“Make Canada Home: ​​The HAPPY Method—5 Step Guide to Success for Immigrants in Canada” is a heartfelt and empowering book designed specifically for individuals who have moved to Canada from other countries. Written by an experienced immigrant, the author understands the challenges and struggles newcomers face when starting a new life in a foreign land.


Drawing from personal experiences, the author shares her own inspiring journey of adaptation and growth. The book introduces the innovative and practical HAPPY Method—a 5 step plan to success that is easy to follow and tailored for immigrants in Canada.

Through the HAPPY Method, readers will learn how to effectively handle various aspects of their lives in Canada.

Whether it’s navigating through the finding suitable housing, securing employment opportunities, or building a social network, this comprehensive guide provides valuable insights and actionable advice.

“Make Canada Home” addresses common worries and anxieties that immigrants may encounter, offering reassurance and practical solutions to overcome them. It serves as a trustworthy companion, ensuring that readers never feel alone in their journey towards a better future in Canada.

Whether already in Canada or contemplating a move, this book is an invaluable resource, empowering immigrants to thrive and embrace their new life with confidence and happiness. From chaos to clarity, this transformative guide sets individuals on a path to success, fulfillment, and contentment in their new Canadian home.